Quoted By:
>not loving a big huggable mass of vines that can take hits like nobody's business and heal them off just by switching, giving no fucks at all
>not loving a cute metallic rabbit maid who loves to sweep floors and opposing teams
>not loving a dope as fuck magnet ufo removing ferrothorn, scizor, skarmory, celesteela, and jirachi instantly
>not loving a skeleton dancer whose mission in life is to fuck over the meta you hate so much
>not loving a nuke-dropping dragon plane bro
>not loving fire mothra dancing once and then setting the entire opposing team on fire.
>not loving rock godzilla, pursuit trapping opposing dragon planes and taking off half of fire mothra's HP off at the beginning of the fight, all the while taking Draco Meteors and Bug Buzzes like nobody's business
There are a lot of cool OU mons, if you don't like any of them you're just a hipster.