>>32336918Ignoring your stupidity and retardedness, to answer the question of why people might hate Gen 1 Pokemon, there could be a few reasons. For one, they just started with some other region. That clouds their judgement, and even if that region had inferior Pokemon design, they like those. Because they like the Pokemon from some other region, the petty people get jealous of the love Gen 1 receives, and start hating it for no real reason.
The second reason I can think of would be pretentiousness. I have seen quite a few people complain about how Gen 1 Pokemon aren't as "creative" as what comes afterwards. The more themes a Pokemon combines, the better. Good looks are secondary to creativeness. For that reason, they hate Gen 1 Pokemon, because most of their designs don't have too many themes, they just stick to one or two.
The third reason would be that they just prefer cartoony designs, so Gen 1 gets a low place on their rankings. Depending on how much they like cartoony designs, they might simply not care about Gen 1 or hate everything Gen 1 stands for. The last reason being that they're just contrarians. They hate it because it's popular.
These are the four most obvious reasons someone would hate Gen 1 Pokemon. Most of it is just the forth one. Of course, some might have different reasons to dislike Gen 1 Pokemon, but these are the ones the vast majority have. The remaining one or two percent with their own reasons don't mater.