>>32337321Half implemented ideas. The first few areas of the game are really solid. Then it starts to break down. If Megas were supposed to be the new gimmick we should have been seeing them all the time following the Lucario bit (Eugh to that too)
Several of Flares plans appear utterly pointless or poorly implemented. (The Abasnow thing is pointless)
Approach to Elite Four and Champion incredibly standard despite the fact Malva was a flare agent
AZ needed to show up more or hinted at. Maybe a initial battle in the desert.
The region has several monuments but it never feels like the War actually left a mark.
Florette should have been everywhere in the architecture. And at the very least Dianthas team
The legendaries where poorly incorporated.
NPC gives a massive lore dump about them when we could have give it to a named character. Maybe Olympia
They didn't really sync up well with the AZ story and at the very least should have had their own unique areas. Sacred Grove seriously
Rivals weren't fought often enough/didn't have proper roles.
Ice Leader after the ice area with a Forrest section instead was dumb. Should have been switched around
Old Grass gym leader has massive treehouse instead of lavish planned out garden
Pokemon racer introduced then not used seems strange.
I don't what the fuck they originally planned with Zygarde but the abomination we finally got is not it