>>32346914It'd go some way to making the drives all usable and better rounded however losing Scarf is a massive loss to Genesect. It really sits in a bad speed tier.
>Burn Drive = Fire/SteelEasily top tier. Game is in such a lack of a second Fire/Steel type beyond Heatran but Genesect is better for offensive teams. Also gains the option of STAB Flame Charge which fixes it's speed problem.
>Douse Drive = Water/SteelAgain top tier. Water/Steel is a fantastic typing and unlike the only exclusive owner of it Genesect has coverage moves, more power and speed.
>Shock Drive = Electric/SteelSort of a toss up, kind of loses out to Choice variations of Magnezone in exchange for actual coverage but not that great really.
>Chill Drive = Ice/SteelNot as bad as you'd think though mostly due to it's coverage moves and ability to vault away from danger and that Steel actually gives Ice a chance to switch in.