>>32368341You're extremely conscious self-conscious about how your body moves, and get anxious in situations where you're asked to do anything more physically demanding than walking (like dancing, heavy lifting, sprinting, etc.)
>>32368342You feel frustrated by the relatively low level of control you have over your life. You're afraid to put too much effort into anything you do, because you're afraid that even your best won't be enough to accomplish a noteworthy change in the monotony.
>>32368380You constantly daydream, to the point where you've actually gotten really good at splitting your attention between mundane life and the imaginary reels playing in your mind.
>>32368391You function in 3-hour blocks, where you will do the same thing continuously for three straight hours before switching to another activity. For example, you might do homework for three hours straight, then switch to playing video games for another three hours straight.
>>32368823You are secretly deeply unsettled by the prospect that your friends don't like you as much as they say they do. You find it upsetting when people don't like you, and are a major people-pleaser.
>>32368942Over time, you've slowly lost your ability to form meaningful relationships with other people. People just kind of phase in and out of your life, without any real closure.
>>32369016You're actually really bad at taking criticism, even constructive criticism. You don't want to be seen as somebody who doesn't take feedback well, however, so you lie about your feelings and lay awake for nights thinking about the feedback you received.
>>32369064You purposely pretend you're more weird and aloof than you actually are. You preemptively decide you dislike your friends/partners, because you're terrified of opening up too much to someone only for them to hate the real you.
>>32369123You are drawn to animals and objects that are popularly hated, because you feel bad for things that are "misunderstood."