>>32368750Oh piss the fuck off. Those games were interesting- the teams, the lore, the aesthetic. Sure the interesting stuff wasn't heavily content driven and was more about what just wasn't handed to you but it's better than it is now. Besides I've thought more about sinnoh and I agree the inside of the elite fours rooms in pear and diamond were boring but apart from that it was pretty ducking great. Had a real snow area- unlike kalos, alola and unova. Had some interesting cities with real aestehtics (mining town, old arty/religious city, old port town, new shipping port town, etc etc- much better than anything alola has to offer). The ledgendarys were super cool- and yes the lakes were repatitive but there presence wasn't at the expense of something else (like the fucking hotels in alola). Trust me- that whole gen was genuinely great and he graphics, were actually, at the time, a super step up from gen 3. And OMG the underground to! Ugh the more I think about it the more I remeber just how actually great it was.