>Breed two boxes of eggs before hanging out with friends who themselves are trying desperately to hatch shinies
>They have no idea I have CFW
>Before going to hang out I put my save file into PKhex and make 2 of the random eggs mixed into the boxes shiny and tweak their stats so they suck
>Tfw hanging out and saying "Wow I feel lucky, any minute now"
>Friends laugh and say "yeah right"
>Their faces when I hatch the first shiny in front of them are full of shock, which quickly turns to horror as I say "Meh its stats suck" and release it before saving the game
>Friends visibly triggered and repulsed, some shut their 3Ds's, girl in the group starts to tear up
>Say "dont worry I feel another one coming on"
>Their faces when 15 eggs later another shiny pops out
>They start freaking the fuck out saying how they quit breeding shinies for good
>Mfw I release the second one and I'm asked to leave because the girl starts audibly sobbing