Okay, here's the thing. I don't understand what the point of limiting the legends was to begin with. So people won't make entire teams of them? Yeah, we all know how that worked out with Mewtwo. That's the problem with games that can transfer data between them. THERE IS AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF EVERYTHING. Their only point was with the event legends, but even that blew up in their face because their games can be so easily hacked. (well, that and gen 1's glitches made literally everything possible) My point is that whatever they were thinking of, it wasn't going to happen because we can just get more. Without the hacks MAYBE the events became more limited as they were intended at least by the second gen, unless there's bugs in that one I don't know about. Still, why limit them? That's giving a privileged few an unfair advantage. The game was never supposed to be balanced? You would pretty much have to admit that competitive was a farce to start with. Before you throw bans at me, I know they didn't always exist, and thus why Mewtwo ruled everything. I have no idea when legends started to be banned, but that brings up another question: why limit them if WE'RE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO USE THEM ANYWAY!? DO THESE PEOPLE EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY'RE MAKING RULES FOR!? THIS IS A VIDEO GAME, NOT A TCG! EVEN IF THIS WAS A TCG, A COMPETENT PERSON WOULD LOOK AT THESE AND SAY THAT NOT ALL OF THEM ARE BAD.
There IS no reason for them to limit ANYTHING. They just want their money. That's why Mew was given out, that's why all the other events were made. That's why they still make them that way. Mew wasn't even intended to work that way, it was a joke that they made into a money making scheme. Oh god, someone stop me. All of pokemon was nothing more than a plushie factory!