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No.32459878 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/, what are the biggest issues with the Sinnoh games? As far as I'm aware, the problem with Sinnoh is mainly the grating slowness of the game, as far as Pokemon battles and surfing are concerned. That alongside the fact that there are only 3 Fire type lines in the region, not counting Heatran, and one line happens to be one of the starters, so if you don't pick the Chimchar line, you can only really use Rapidash since Magmortar is postgame. That and Diamond and Pearl in retrospect weren't exactly amazing games. They aren't bad games per se, but they don't hold up as well when compared to the likes of B2W2, HGSS, and Emerald. Platinum seemed to pick up the slack though, although it didn't solve all of the issues the region has.

I think that remakes would genuinely improve the games. Newer hardware should make the grating slow speed nonexistent, and since there are a plethora of new Pokemon out there, they could always add one or two more Fire type lines to fill everything out. They could make the underground Wifi integrated, so you can find secret bases of random trainers, or bring back Wifi Plaza with even more features than there were in Platinum and HGSS.

I feel like Sinnoh has a lot of good things going for it, such as great atmosphere and one of the best soundtracks in the series, but flaws such as slowness really hurt the games in the long run.

tl;dr, what are the flaws of the Sinnoh region? How would you improve it?