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Next Pokemon Game Info

No.32462158 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This isn't one of those "my father's friend's daughter's cousin's high school friend's mom works at gamefreak and..." threads. This thread simply serves to tell people who may not have heard what we know regarding the next games, and their relation to the Switch. KEEP IN MIND that if Gamefreak releases a main series game on the Switch, this would be a first considering that it would be the first time a main series Pokemon game appeared on a console. However, since Nintendo has announced no new plans for a handheld, and since the Switch is technically a hybrid between console and handheld, it is likely. Now onto the meat and potatoes...

>the job listings
There are two listings on Gamefreak's website looking for character designers/modelers. According to these listings, they're looking for people who are able to create "character models in the development of consumer games." and that they are going to create "deformed toon-like characters, monsters, items, and so on." They also add that "We'll have you work on the production of an RPG game that is popular on a global scale." and "It's a title just about anyone knows, a proposal that could be your future career." These are some pretty obvious hints. Finally, they mention that the "Platform will be console."

>Ishihara interview
Ishihara (the CEO of the Pokemon Company, in case you don't know) has confirmed publicly in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that they will be supporting the Switch with the Pokemon franchise.

>game data
In the files for Sun and Moon, hi-res models (much higher res than those seen in the games) were found, along with walk cycles for many different Pokemon (which were not used in the game either). Not to mention that hackers have been able to ramp up Sun and Moon to 1080p quite easily.
