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/gag/ - Giveaway General

No.32477516 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Back on schedule with the Monotype tournament winner's team.

To obtain any of the Pokemon in the image simply deposit a Cleffa on the GTS asking for the one you want.

Check out the website to see past QRs:
Come join the Discord server:
Join in for injection requests, early access to giveaways, and semi-regular tournaments!

Please note that you DO NOT need to post your in-game name in the thread asking for one of the Pokemon as it is a bot handing them out and it will get to you eventually.

Extra!: Because the final Pokemon on the winner's team was Magearna who cannot be traded over the GTS we have replaced it with that the winner wanted, however, we will be manually handing them out on the Discord server through Link Trades.
Deposit a Cleffa on the GTS named HomerS for a shiny Tapu Koko

Also feel free to leave suggestions in the thread for future giveaways. While there's no promise that they will all be in a giveaway there are all seriously considered and noted down. Of course you can also join the server and ask for an injection of what you want.
Current suggestions poll:

Stick around if a Swift Swim gimmick team interests you! Have a good day.