Any snake with Shed Skin
DDBasiliskreplace Heliolisk with Comfey for Venom SnakeGET IN THE BOXspoilersguessThere isn't an ocelot pokemonSolid gets Klink, a snake, Reuniclus, Crustle, the nonexistant nonlethal takedown pokemon, and a nikita missile.
Liquid gets two snakes, Tyrantrum, and a Kirlia for being a ballet dancer.
Raiden gets
SIX THUNDURUSES Thunduri?or more seriously
Luxio/Manectric, Doublade, nobody remembers the lady female Machamp, a meme, Toxapex, shiny AegislashBut that's just MGR, since I can't think of anything for being naked, chaff grenades, SWORDS, and Darth Vader.