Unpopular opinions are fine, but people need to learn to differentiate between shit and wrong opinions and unpopular ones. They're not the same thing. Yes, opinions can be wrong.
Sugimori's art was shit. It's gotten a bit better, a lot better, but it was literal shit up until HGSS.
Sprites were shit and 3D Pokemon looks better than they ever did. If you want dynamic poses, use moves. The Pokemon changes the stance. It's just not stuck in it.
UBs are overrated. They're mostly good, but nothing great.
The small things SM added, like in-battle Trainers and poses, made me more happier than anything else. I wish they would focus more on aesthetic things like this, rather than wasting time on other bullshit.
Z-moves are great. The dances are fun and always having a super strong move on any Pokemon is nice. They definitely succeeded in what they were trying with Z-moves. Making all Pokemon viable in-game.
Megas were still better. Just wish more popular Pokemon had gotten Megas, rather than shit like Slowbro, Lopunny and Audino. No one gives a fuck about them getting Megas.
Unno and Morimoto are overrated retards. They've never made a game. All they've done is remade games and shove as much shit as possible in them. Far less effort, skill or thought required. BW2 wouldn't exist without BW.
In this regard, Ohmori is great. When he remade the games, instead of just shoving shit, he made changes. To the story, characters and gameplay. Far better than copy pasting shit you can find in other games again for no fucking reason.
Pokemon following was an overrated feature, and I'm glad it's impossible to have it return. If you want to play with your Pokemon, you can do so. Having it shrunk in size and follow you around, doing nothing is boring and shit. It was the best way to interact with Pokemon up until Gen 6, but the addition of Amie and Refresh completely makes that look shit.
Zard was the best Fly ride they could've picked.
>>32500263Much worse than most Pokemon in general.