>>32538382If i'm "too old" to have an opinion on the current state of Pokemon games, then you're too young to have an opinion on the earlier state of Pokemon games.
I find it annoying when everyone gets to be a critic on Gen 1, 2, and 3 even if they've never played them, or when they only played them many years after the fact.
You should just abstain from saying anything at all or saying "I never played it" or "It's too old for me to enjoy". Or when you're ranking games just rank the games you have played/lived through and ignore the generations you missed out on.
If you grew up in the 90's and played RBY/GSC/RSE you wouldn't have such a harsh opinion, you obviously grew up with the DS generation, which is fine. They were great games, but to pass judgement on an entire generation that you weren't even a part of is unfair. Comparing a game from 2007 to a game from 10 years ago, of course there's going to be a huge gap in quality, but it's not that the game was objectively bad, it's just that the technology was completely different. Compare an old flip phone to a new smartphone. Of course the flip phone is shitty, but for its' time the flip phone was an amazing piece of technology.
I'm just upset everyone always feels they have the right to ascribe a rating/judgement on games they missed out on. Going back and playing those games today is not at all the same thing as being there when they first came out. It's an entirely different and skewed context.
>Pokemon HG/SS>Pokemon Crystal>Pokemon Emerald>Pokemon Platinum>Pokemon B2/W2>Pokemon OR/AS>Pokemon B/W>Pokemon X/Y>Pokemon R/S>Pokemon D/P>Pokemon S/M>Pokemon FR/LG