[37 / 11 / ?]
61KiB, 843x632, 11148508_10206417543466266_5663061749208841837_n (1).jpg
/vp/ tell me about the time you first played pokemon, story doesn't have to be super interesting or anything just share your memories.
>be 9
>get a copy of silver with a dark bluish GBC
>my mom already started a file and named the character "MOM"
>delete file
>accidentally choose the wrong pokemon
>mfw my first ever pokemon was a cyndiquil I chose by mistake
>be 9
>get a copy of silver with a dark bluish GBC
>my mom already started a file and named the character "MOM"
>delete file
>accidentally choose the wrong pokemon
>mfw my first ever pokemon was a cyndiquil I chose by mistake