>Rayquaza is plot relevant (like in Emerald)>the Evil Team of the game takes over the Space Center (like in Emerald) and you team up with Steven in a multi battle to stop them (like in Emerald)>You fight Wallace´s Champion Team fropm Emerald>the Battle Frontier overworld theme is used at the Battle Resort> the Frontier Brain theme is used when fighting the Battle Chaeteleines>the Rayquaza descending from the sky theme from Emerald is used at Sky Pilla.>You can find Pokemon with EGG MOVES in the wild via DexNav, like you could in Emerald via SWARMS (other games that HAD Swarms before and after Emerald, didn´t have Egg Moves iirc)>you get postgame starters from other regions, like in Emerald.>Move Tutors in the Battle Resort like in Emerald>the PC designs are a mix of RS with Emerald´s desogn.So, ORAS did actually add quite a lot of Emerald content. HGSS added more Crystal content percent wise,but that´s because there were less additions made in Crystal compared to Emerald.
The fact is that both remakes added content from their respective third game, but none added ALL of it.
Also, HGSS and ORAS are both brilliant games, and whoever hates one of them, or both, is objectively wrong.