>Fairy/DarkVampire. I'd go a step further and say Vampire Squid because GF would pick the low-hanging fruit of a name/animal pun.
>Normal/IceSt. Bernard dog, Viking inspired humanoid, or snowman.
>Normal/GhostKasa-obake or a haunted book/tome/grimoire
>Normal/Poisonknowyourmeme dot com slash platapus_gf_plz
>Dark/ElectricBio-luminescent... idk angler/jelly fish or a regional Weavile variant.
>Fighting/ElectricMega Electivire or aKung Fu inspired pokemon. "Everybody was kung fu fighting..."
>Poison/ElectricCobra that looks like an electrical chord.
>Grass/FireMega Sunflora. Or would a tiki pokemon have been so hard, gf? Alola was the perfect region for it.
>Ice/FireRegional Primeape or, similarly, a hot spring monkey.
>Ground/FightingKangaroo or, again, Minotaur could work here.
>Rock/GhostFossilmon based on a Monolith.
>Bug/NormalBased ont he lifecycle of a fly
>Bug/Ice make a spider that looks like a virus>Bug/Psychicthat fake leak mothman pokemon
>Bug/DragonDragonhead caterpillar
>Bug/DarkBlack Widow spider. GF would prob make it a waifu.
>Ice/Poisondeepwater jellyfish might work here
>Psychic/PoisonSOme kind of trip inducing frog.
>Steel/PoisonScorpion, maybe.