>>32566452cool guy! all of em go well together! good job!
>>32566506nice ghost team, like how its haunter and not gengar for once, dunno if mimikyu fits with the rest tho
>>32566511there is a theme there, fortunatelly it is well executed, nice
>>32566514odd choices in color in some of em but somehow they go well with eachother, i like it
>>32566709warmer tones for a ghost team, good to see! its a cool!
>>32566820playthrough teams are playthrough teams, they're not bad but they're not that awesome in concept
>>32567110same as before but the choices feel somehow forced, its like a very generic team
>>32567761theres something goin on with those colors that feels out of place, same with the theme but i do get it
>>32567933nice and wintery except for bisharp i guess? it's not too weird having it there but it stands out for sure
really like this one
>>32567996good bugs are good, guzma's bug breaks the warm tones tho but you cant go wrong with a bug team
>>32568327nice and monstruous and colorful, its a-ok!
>>32568336balanced somehow leading to a darkish heat, feels like a rival could have this team
>>32568354garchomp and weavile kinda break what the others were building, it would be cool to have all of them with more saturated colors
>>32569136i really dont get it, maybe thats how it is suposed to be, there aint nothing wrong tho