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No.32581870 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Post Pokebros and stories

>be me a few years ago
>playing Pokemon Platinum for the umpteenth time
>decide to do a gift-mon only run (can only use pokemon you get from other people or underground, no catching (hm slaves allowed for overworld only))
>get porygon in Veilstone
>name it Wheatley because Portal 2 was a thing back then
>trade it back and forth between Platinum and Pearl to evolve it (only using upgrade and dubious disc from platinum so no cheating)
>set my man up as a special sweep with Nasty Plot, Discharge, Signal Beam, and Psychic
probably should've gotten a normal-type move but ehh
>make to end of game to fight E4
>fighting Cynthia, just killed her Garchomp with my Togekiss
>he falls to her Togekiss, and I send out Wheatley, my last pokemon
>he tanks a fucking Aura Sphere and knocks out her Togekiss with a magnet-powered Discharge
>hyper potion his ass in prep for her Roserade
>spam psychic and heal until she falls
>I beat Cynthia with my last pokemon in the low-yellow range

How about you guys?