>>32596231Bring back Gyms and Gym Leaders, get rid of Trials but keep Totem Pokemon.
All of the trials sucked, nearly all of them were "Walk from A to B to C to D with a weak wild pokemon battle in between" with the exception of Kiawe and Sophocles which were just standing still and doing a few wild battles. There was never any puzzle to solve or path to figure out, they all just get laid out in front of you for you to walk through. Ilima's was the only even remotely clever one.
But Totem battles are great, and allow the game to do fun gimmicks and tricks that normal battles don't allow for, as well as push the difficulty up while doing something more unique than "a team of 2 more pokemon than usual" or "these pokemon are suddenly 5 levels higher than everything else around here". But we should also fight the Gym Leader as part of the story as well, since those are usually some of the only decent battles in the games until the elite 4 and can be used to give more personality and spotlight to the character. Again, Ilima is for some reason the only one who really did that until postgame.