>>32612706IMO LC's pretty fun. Since it's one tier, you can see pre evos of mons in way different tiers in the mix e.g. Cranidos and Ghastly are both usable here, but are in two different tiers when evolved. Surskit gets to use its water/bug typing. Magby's arguably better here than either of its evolutions are in their respective tiers and Chinchou's in the upper rank of LC mons. Some pre evos have different stat spreads, too, like Anorith and Karrablast being fast attackers despite what they evolve into.
The problem with little cup is there's a lot of notably more threatening mons that you'll see one or two of on every team(Timburr, Mienfoo, Abra, Chinchou). Also, speed ties are pretty common because the numbers are so low. Oh yeah, and basically everything carries either Eviolite or Berry Juice for a full heal and Knock Off's rampant as a result.
Despite this, having every pre evo in one place gives you a lot of choices, and that's the biggest draw IMO. Go watch a battle or two on showdown and judge it yourself.