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Internally called Pokemon Beyond. It's probably actually called Stars. Out for 3DS/Switch with connectivity between them.

Game set in Kanto with the ability to travel to Alola throughout the story using the SS Annabelle Game ends in Kanto.

Starters are Kanto's with you able to get Alola's during the Alola portions.

You play as a new character, Male or Female. Only minor clothing customization compared to Sun/Moon.

Classic Kanto characters return, with some being in new roles. Oak is still the professor with a younger assistant named Kurtis. He's a young adult.

Brock is no longer the first gym leader. It is Kurtis. in Viridian city. He uses a Pikachu and a Eevee. You receive the Eevee after you win, in place of a TM.

Brock is still Gym leader of Pewter. His gym is now being used as an old folks home, which he runs. They will battle you before you face Brock.

Misty appears, but not in a gym leader role.

Kurtis plays a bigger role in the story, and is the son of a classic character.

Two new alolan form lines. Ekans - Arbok
And Koffing - Weezing.

Ekans and Arbok are Ground types. Arbok is no longer a cobra, but a rattle snake.

Koffing and Weezing are Water types, with the latter being Water/Poison. Looks similar, but drenched in purple oil. Weezing is more vertically shaped, with the other head being connected below him. Like a fishing bobber.

These two do not belong to Jesse and James. They are not in the game. Team Rocket is, but only in a minor role. They use these two mostly.

I can go on, but I don't expect people to believe this. I probably wouldn't.

Let me know!