>Born with the tism, OCD, Executive functioning disorder, the list goes on
>pretty much all the shitty mental genes but all the good other genes (Looks, health, ect)
>when I was young I was a little autist on a rampage, got kicked out of a pre-school
>enter: medication
>snap the fuck out of it and wipe that past persona clean when I get to middle school
>start to gain friends
>by high school I'm very sociable, smart, outgoing, happy
>piggy back off a few women in tech scholarships plus a 75% discount on all my student loans
>because of all the work I did but no job experience I now work doing tech for public schools because companies want to hire people with experience
>spend all day restarting peoples computers and getting treated like a master tech wizard for doing so
>go home and play vidya, laze around, draw
>lack empathy, some social understanding, lie a lot
>wonder and getting upset with the fact that I'm still a virgin because the moment i mention "marriage" guys suddenly evaporate, never to be seen again
>end up becoming an ice queen
>the only thing i worry about now is moving somewhere where i can finally own my own pet reptiles
>life is good