>>32717915>people should be disappointed by new games they know nothing about, except that they appear to be in the same vein as games widely regarded as the best in the franchise and objectively superior to their original versions>but they should be excited for the rerelease of ancient games they already played years ago that also received superior remakes (not to mention a superior third version that for some reason ISN'T being released on VC)The mind-numbing stupidity of your ass-backwards logic aside, the only people who have any right to be pissed at this point are the ones who assumed that after the gen 6 fiasco these "director's cuts" were a thing of the past and wasted their money on SM. And even then, thinking a break in a pattern magically establishes a new pattern was pretty dumb to begin with. There was always a chance we'd get another Alola game so they should've taken than into account.
Sure, maybe the games will somehow be worse than SM (or better, but not by enough to justify a $40 price tag), but absent any evidence you retards are all overreacting to something you don't know shit about, something which has years of precedent that you somehow never had a problem with until now.