Gen 6 was short and uninteresting, "hardware limitations" don't excuse poor optimization and laziness on the part of Game Freak, everything about Kalos was generic and forgettable, the "plot" was poorly constructed and had no fucking pacing, and anyone who ever defends Gen 6 is either baiting or actually retarded. GF literally gave so little shits about Gen 6 that they didn't bother making the champion interesting, they didn't bother using Sina and Dexio in any meaningful way, they didn't bother including AZ's Floette, they didn't bother explaining what was going on in the Kalos Power Plant, and for fucks sake they didn't bother explaining anything with Zygarde. They realized it was such a god damn mistake of a generation that they skipped right to Gen 7 without sequels and shoehorned in Zygarde 100% so that they could say they did without ever having to go back to that failed abortion of a generation.
Fuck Gen 6, fuck everyone who worked on Gen 6, fuck every single person who defends Gen 6, and fuck me for getting so booty blasted about Gen 6 that I typed all this bullshit.