/pol/ memmers are cancer anyway so if you take there verbal bull at heart, you need to toughen up, it's still overrated as hell, but it's hard not to like a pokemon with such a cool concept, also falseflaggers are much easier to spot these days
Probably one of my favorite pseudos, the mental breakdown of Dragon/Steel fags was also a nice addition
Still one of the best Water starters ever, it would be nr.1 for me if Empoleon didn't exist and yes I also like it before it became wildly popular
I do like the concept a lot
>All the Tapus
You can whine all you want about the meta, it became unsalvageable after Gen 5
>all the UB's, especially Buzzwole
Was a total bro for the time it was on my team and it's good enough for 3v3
Yes reee all you want, I don't care about its cancer fandom either
Faggots are and always will be faggots
Its shiny is just amazing
Come on it's a chimera made with the intent to copy Arceus, that's almost impossible to hate, stop letting competitive decide all your favorites
>Sceptile, Torterra and Samorott
One is amazing, the other has a great concept, the last is is more or less out of sympathy, it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets
There are more considering the hate cesspool this place is.