>>32765029I'd reason that a lot of distaste for Sun and Moon comes from the fact that they received so much applause. They're not bad games, but they have their fair share of problems that have already been mentioned in this thread. But I have a feeling that a very slow first section is going to become a recurring trend in games (at least RPGs) as time moves on, because games these days are bloated with so many particulars to the combat that some time has to be set apart to explain how to play and all the different ways you can play, and something like that is better to get out of the way sooner rather than later. Another example of this is Persona 5, wherein my strongest but only gripe (so far) was how long it took for Morgana to fuck off and stop telling me all of the different shit I could do. He really didn't need to, considering the introduction handles it just fine.
Anyway, back on topic. Sun and Moon's story, for the most part, is something that's been done before. I mean this more so than in any other Pokemon game. At the end of the day, it's basically just the Black and White duology(?). Lillie and her character arc stand out as the most prominent if not the only differential part of the story.
Also, I personally am half and half on Alola forms. I feel like they're a logical expansion upon the biosphere diversity Pokemon has been trying to show since Generation 4, they're mostly just replacements for new content. This Vulpix may be an Ice-type, now and yes, it's pretty, but it's still just a Vulpix at the end of the day. Not only do they represent an appeal to one's nostalgia, they reflect a reservation to commit to new Dex lineup ideas. Furthermore, there's not a lot of them. If one exists for a Pokemon that's not from Kanto, it slips my mind.
This next point might sound like I'm contradicting myself, but I'm not. I think Z-Moves are okay, but I really wish GF would stop (to be cont.)