I will, I already have a 3DS, I won't be buying a switch until they iron out the launch defects, and have a pool of games of equal value to the console that I'm interested in.
I've grown tired of Mario games and the like. I used to love it so much but if just feels stale these days, same could be said for that Yoshi game on the E3 showcase.
The important part is they fix the hardware issues first, I bought a launch PS2 and after 3 DVD eye replacements, I'm not about to buy another disaster like that. I had enough friends and family asking me to reball their 360's that RROD'ed.
I might've been a real wiz fixing and hacking consoles in my day, but if I can't get 3 years out of it without tearing it apart to fix it, it's not worth my time and money anymore.I want to play, not fix shit all the time. Besides in this replaceable generation of 'just buy a new one' I can't even have a steady side job fixing electronics anymore.