>>32788329lack of challenge in main-game such as not using 95% of any of the items/mechanics that the main player can do and only used them in the already rubber-band bullshit battle tower-I mean Battle Mansion/Tree as well as being the only thing left for post-game. up to this point, you can pretty much steamroll the entire region with a single mon, regardless of how shitty it is.
and main games itself are getting well, how can I say this... "arcadic?" let me explain this.
>main character started in a new region with a in town rival/friend.>professor tree give MC a starter to start on his/her journey.>everything is set in one path, if there's a separate path, block them with some BS reason.> after obtaining the first 2 gym badges, TEAM bad guy wants to take over said region with box cover legendary.> you know you'll beat the because friendship.> most features in the 1st dual installment games of # gen had jacked content nor features until you buy the superior 2nd dual/3rd/remake installment.>game breaking items and legendaries are given to you without trying at all, doing so makes the game even more of a cake walk.>this also goes for event mons in which are given to you without any sort of objective of obtaining it in a special area, all of them are given by a dude in a poke center in which sums up as " hey MC, here's a special pokemon that I found in the x dimension, here you go!"up to this point, I don't really see it really changing things up besides the side games.