>>32828096>weak/lazy to even breedI could get very racist with this as the black and mexican families in my school had minimum of 7 kids each, and none of the parents worked, so being lazy does not = cant fuck, but lets put that aside.
look at america, japan, and any other first world place and tell me what incentive there is for the guys to go out of their way to find women to fuck if lets say you could make a sizeable pokemon harem.
we have a 60%+ divorce rate, the women want to be house wives instead of trying to be a partner, they were brought up that they would be princesses and only see work as something temporary they have to do till they find mr right. you now have to dodge a fucking minefield of sdts and other cock she may want to take...
or you catch a pokemon, love it, show it affection, and potentially/purposefully groom it to be a human fucking deviant. In an uprising against humans, you would have humans, and pokemon with humans on their side. If I had a legitimate option to dick a creature I could be more than 80% sure knew the words that were coming out of my mouth I would do it.