supreme taste ratings coming through, text-only low effort faggots get an automatic fuck you, everybody with a pic is okay by default i guess
>>32861704nice pups
>>32861778weird, but i like it
>>32861914+ for arcanine and flygon
>>32861979meh with a dash of okay
>>32862412fuck that toad
>>32862495weird but i like it
>>32862506you should play games to be honest family
>>32863657you're not too far from truth but i like it
>>32863767pretty decent
>>32864144not bad
>>32864247a bit generic but ok
>>32864484meh but more ok than bad
>>32864599favorites for ants
>>32864702more favorites for ants
>>32865220still less of an eyesore than some people from later on
>>32865414pretty neat i guess
>>32866045kinda boring but i like it
>>3286637210/10 for porybro
>>32867460you could have cropped this
>>32867475kinda odd but decent enough
>>32867612pretty alright, toucan a bro
>>32867792i like you
>>32868531extraordinarily shit editing
>>32868607not something you see every day
>>32868753pretty okay i guess
>>32868800pretty okay i guess too
>>32868830>liking spritzee>>32869075boring
>>32869184kinda boring but points for presentation
>>32870108quirky nigga
>>32870197your editing triggers me
>>32871342kinda generic but i like it