>>32868143At this point we should know that usage actually don't show how good a Pokemon is, Pokémon like Bisharp, Kyurem, Clefable, Keldeo and Gengar weren't that used for months but they are really good but things like Buzzwole were Ou, you can tell that some of them were for the meta changes but Gengar and Keldeo should not have dropped.
Now talking of Lando, yes it can do diferent roles in a team but also there's better options to choose over Lando, so why not use them instead Lando if we are playing a competitive format?
As z user Magearna, Vocarona, Celestela and in general any mon with an ability that boost the attack with each kill are better options, the most of them needs set up the others have better chance to do it while Lando must be careful to not get killed with and ice move that almost everyone have nowadays and Lando is the most vulnerable to get revenge killed with choice scarf and priority while the others can be supported for Lele. Celestela now even worries at all, since it resist the most of the priority moves.
As scarf user, the meta reached a point where even mons with 130 base speed with scarf are viable and Lando only have 91, it's slow and again the priority are a problem for it, while Lele have not to worry for Bullet puch, choice band Extreme speed, aerilate quick attacks, Ice shards, and aqua yets.
As ground type, Zygarde and Dugtrio are without doubt better than Lando due Thousand arrows that hits Zapdos, Rotom, Celestela, Skarmory, etc. meaning that only a few things can switch into it, and Arena trap that means kills to problematics mons like Magnezon, Marowak, Heatran and unboosted Magaerna with z move.
The only actually good role is as defensive pivot due intimidate and slow u turn.
I'm not saying that Lando is bad, just saying that isn't that good in this meta, I know it's a bit hard not see a Lando like the king of OU but the meta changes are not a good thing for Lando.