Just reached Opelucid City in my White Grey Colourlocke after clearing Dragonspiral Tower and the areas by Route 1. Somehow, I'm STILL deathless. Even when facing down Bianca's Simipour in the rain on Route 8, it didn't kill anything. Even without a Water resist. I even bought the Sunny Day and Sandstorm TMs just incase, but it just used Leer twice. Entire team is level 43, just the right level for Iris.
>Jimmy the Stoutland, Bashful, Intimidate
>Chuck the Unfezant, Lax, Big Pecks
>Kim the Excadrill, Impish, Sand Force
>Paige the Gurdurr (no, I am not allowed to evolve her), Rash, Guts
>Rebecca the Cinccino, Jolly, Technician
>Stacey the Escavalier, Timid, Swarm
In the box I have a Klink and a Whirlipede that I can't evolve further. That's everything eligible for the Grey colourlocke (as Klink was encountered in Chargestone Cave, thereby locking me out of Ferroseed, and I'm running a "one from each family and that's it" rule) besides my Victory Road encounter, which will likely be Durant as it might be a better option than going for Terrakion unless shit gets real later on. Cinccino is the most likely to be replaced if I get Hustle Durant - Aerial Ace and high speed may make Marshall a lot safer, and Rebecca is the weakest of my team, seems to have quite a low Attack IV. Also the most redundant on the team, despite having been pretty handy in several key situations, as her frailty makes switches hard on Set Mode.