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Great force will meet equal wall.
This is a foundation of the universe around us.
A wall left un-hardened calls a great force to temper it. As the force collides, the wall hardens to meet balance once more.
Like wise, if there exists a great force, an equal wall will be called to cancel out its progression.
What can't really be predicted are the shockwaves and how they effect everyone else. Often we see copycats of great forces, or revirberations of the initial contact upon the great wall.
I cannot be mad at the principal, however I find annoyance at the revirberations, and how much the wall will have to encroach on moving space to deal with it.
It's hard to be an observer in a clash of fundamental forces, especially when one is exceptionally powerful.
There are no winners in this, just an eventual stalemate that will result in lack of freedom.