>>32946907>All starter wars have always been caused by pissed off owlfagsIt's funny you say that. Yes, I am indeed an owl fan. I may, heck, I'll even admit it, I do have preference over the owl while Incineroar brings me to a utter apathy. I had no intention whatsoever to pick him. You wanna know what I am? A fire fag.
You know how many threads I made thrashing Incineroar or its fans? Or heck, let's bring in Primarina or its fans as well because I will admit also having preference to the owl over the seal (or at least the final evolution exclusively because its former stages are still cute to me and I even felt bad Popplio had such cancerous bandwagoning hatred behind it, up until, of course, it evolved into something people began to worship).
0You're retarded to think anyone that legitimately hates or dislikes any starter specifically makes threads about hating them. Haters would rather AVOID and ignore and maybe perhaps give a shit about the pokemon later on, but there's so much hate threads merely created for shitposting, the ill-conceived with no real intention behind them threads push the actual haters to merely reply and voice their opinion when the truth is, people behind hate threads are simply throwing wood into the fire while actual haters are simply repliers at best. They might try their best to keep it to themselves, but even the most saint people will admit letting out a "I can't find it in my heart to like it" at best in some of these threads.
Yes, I have preference over the owl. You know what I'd reaaaaaally love as well? For these bloody threads to end because they bring no purpose to these boards, they only exist to tease and pester people who are trying to like things. Just because I dislike X or feel nothing towards Y, does not mean I go around these boards, making completely useless threads meant for fueling hatred while erasing threads that could have contained actual fucking proper discussion.