>>32970823Let me tell you why I dislike Sinnoh. I don't hate it, I can play through the games, but I really wouldn't want to.
First of all, the amount of new Pokemon when you exclude the starters, legends, and cross-gen mons is fairly low. This makes its own dex less interesting to me, especially since quite a few Pokemon have trade/item constraints which makes it annoying to use them.
Second, a lot of the mons that aren't cross-gen evos or the starters are, to be frank, shit. They're boring to use and/or annoying to fight against (Fake Out spam, Hypnosis spam, Bronzor). Sure, some are good in competitive, but that's an entirely different matter. It's why you generally see some mix of Starter, Luxray, Staraptor, Roserade, Garchomp whenever someone puts up their team for DPPt.
Third, the plot's pretty much a rehash of gen 3's plot. Stop the team from getting the legendary Pokemon which will inevitably destroy everything. And then in Platinum Giratina essentially pulls a Rayquaza. It also caused ridiculous power-creep in terms of lore which I utterly hate.
Fourth, the slowdown. This ordinarily wouldn't be a problem but why they decided to include fucking bog and snow in an already slow game is beyond me. Bog is not interesting and adds nothing to the experience but frustration. The snow maps give you hail but it's essentially a straight shot without anything interesting in it. The Distortion World, while a good idea, fails in its execution because of this. To me, all it really does is highlight its flaws.
Fifth, Wifi is dead which fucking sucks goddamn Nintendo why'd you go with GameSpy you fucking faggots?
And those are my biggest complaints. Thankfully they're not super big game-destroyers but they don't make me want to go back and play the games.