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Whine Thread

No.32980748 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What went SO WRONG with the 3DS games? I remember B/W still being lots of fun despite lack of post game, then B2/W2 came out and it was the pinnacle of greatness. I know I'll never be a careless 13-year-old filling up my national dex in HGSS ever again but not one of the 3DS games has brought me that same giddiness except XY which wore off after the first few hours.

And don't even get me started on OR/AS, I played the shit out of the originals but the remake was easily the most disappointing Pokemon game I've played.

S/M get points for finally mixing things up and bring back a story where the league champion isn't the final boss but the islands are just boring to explore and the lack of a national dex is retarded.

I really hope US/UM are fantastic and have loads of side stuff like the Pokeathlon and post game like the Frontier cause the magic is wearing off quick