Choice in adaption I disagreed with.
The world was made too close to the games in certain regards like having goddamn levels.
But at the same time they changed neutral characters to evil characters.
The reason why the mangaka did this is because the manga prioritizes the evil teams over trainers battling for sport. Which to me is pretty lame since I would prefer the opposite.
The final Red versus Green battle was only league battle and rules for the league in Special are fucking retarded. Not only that the Mangaka didn't feel the need to explain them which left me frustrated.
But whatever even if I disagreed with these choices the story could be good. But the characters felt like cookie cutter archetypes more than people.
Overall I felt that it was barely above the Ashime in terms of quality and at least in the first arc and a half which was when I dropped. Which considering I disliked his world choices is pretty bad since I only put up with the anime because I like its world choices.
Overall fuck Special. If we ever get another anime that isn't a mini series an adaption of that overrated thing would be a giant waste in my book.