Best for defeating in battle and exposing her submissive tendencies, then slowly training into your subservient girlfriend/housewife/sex slave: Long-haired
Best for vanilla /ss/ romance: Short-haired
Best for femdom: Long-haired
Best for impregnating: Both
Best for gloved handjobs: Long-haired
Best for long-distance telekinesis handjobs: Long-haired
Best for navelingus: Short-haired
Best for rubbing her abs on your dick like a cheese grater: Short-haired
Best for reading your mind and punishing you whenever your think about another woman: Long-haired
Best for linking your minds together while you have sex so you feel what it's like to be fucked by your own dick and she feels what it's like to fuck her own pussy: Long-haired
Best for risky public sex: Short-haired
Best for pushing her to her knees and having her give you a blowjob in the middle of her gym with all her gym trainers watching: Short-haired
Best for anal: Short-haired
Best for anal (pegging): Long-haired
Best futa: Short-haired
Best for the situation where a genie offers you to send you to the pokemon world in the body of a female trainer for the rest of your life: Long-haired
They both have strong upsides. Personally, I like to imagine them as twin sisters.