>>33005707Togetic is pretty good. Extrasensory makes it not a liability and buttfugs Morty when you get around to it.
Qwilfish gets a neat level up movepool, and toxic spikes really fucks up amost all the boss fights you go against, except for a few, like Jasmine and Lance, but I don't know how willing you want to go with the 2% encounter rate in route 32 once you obtain the good rod.
With the pokewalker, Murkrow is the only decent ingame dark type until National Dex, and with most pokemon being NFE, it's fairly strong, and only really starts to slow down once you get to the Elite 4. If you don't have the pokewalker, you'll have to wait until the Safari Zone.
Scyther is amazing, even if its restricted in availability. Make sure you can get one with technician. Does weill against all but like two battles in the entire game. You could also grab a metal coat from wild magnemites if you have a way to trade (or patch in "fix impossible evolutions")
Girafarig is okay. Gets dual screens, can baton pass, hits pretty decently with strength+psychic and has a decent movepool but lickylicky, tauros and miltank teends to be better normal types
Steelix is great. You can catch one in Cliff Cave, but you have to deal with yet another 2% encounter rate if you don't have a method to trade with. Even though it doesnt do well against clair and sometimes pryce, it does very well against most of the E4 and the majorty of Kanto.
Mamoswine is probably the best ice type worth using, but make sure you obtain a heart scale first or you won't be able to get one.and it does come fairly late into Johto, so you'll have to grind a bit.
Misdrevus is pretty useful by virtue being the only other Ghost type before Kanto. By the time you get it, you can teach it Shadow Ball via TMHas some nice gimmicks such as Perish Song so you can put their ace mon on a timer if you're having issues with it. Or you can do some gimmicky Perish Trapper sets with it or another mon.