>>33014832You also have to remember they're adventuring and presumably learning things from the people they meet.
Always gonna be a few autists who don't get boundaries and still other people who just don't care.
>>33015304Yep. In the games you're told to fill it out, not look them up or unlock them.
So for the games it's basically the professors being lazy and taking all of the credit from the kids doing their research for them, staying behind to test all the bullshit the kids send in via the Dex.
Meanwhile, for the show it's a convenient way to fit in a bit of narration so every episode of Pokémon isn't ripped from the pages of NatGeo while Ash goes about doing the research himself (though I'm not sure that wouldn't be more worth watching than what the anime is now, lol).
Hell, maybe it's even the result of someone working on the show not understanding how the dex in the games actually works like the OP here.