If we can't use forms introduced in later gens, swap Alolan exeggutor with lapras and mega steelix with dunsparce. Don't get me wrong, gen I and II have some great designs, but Alolan exeggutor and mega lix are perfection.
>>33020618a little normie, but the mons are all popular for good reason 6/7
>>33020736a couple of standout picks like minior and volc, but nothing too special 4/7
>>33020767solid, not too much to say 6/8
>>33020885Another solid lineup 5/7
>>33020915damn near perfect 6/7
>>33020938bumping your score up from a 5/7 to a 6/7 for effort
>>330209447/10, there's some great stuff in there
>>33020981very nice, 8.5/9 because I'm still not sure whether I like used napkin or not
>>33021003some great choices from gen 5 onward 4/7
>>330211725/7, you can probably guess at least one of those -1s
>>33021181here we see an anon with perfect taste in his natural habitat 7/7
>>33021231wonderful, not a ton to say about it 6/7
pls rate