>>33021224>EyesThe most common and easy genwun eyeshape is the angry eye, consisting of a triangle that conveys a pissed off expression. If you are going for a somewhat unique expression, your resources amount to beady eyes, goggly eyes, lines for eyes that must feel as if they were closed (abra, gloom, snorlax) or cartoon "white circle with dot" eyes. On the other extreme, if you want your mon's eyes to convey cuteness, you have the "eevee eye", as I call it (fully black eye with shines, you can also find it in vulpix, dewgong, dragonair, charmander, etc.). Finally, there's a variant of the eevee eye, the "squirtle eye", which is somewhat of an arc-shaped eye with a full pupil+iris inside. Dragonite and squirtle have these.
>Horns, spikes and fangsThere's no such thing as too many horns and spikes. If your mon's head is flat, it is lacking a horn. What is it there for? doesn't matter, but it needs it. If you can put spikes on the back of your mon and other body parts then you're in the correct path. Also, make sure your mon has fangs that stick out of its mouth when closed. Make the body look rough and full of lumps if you're going for a mon that must feel like it is sturdy or hard-bodied, like kingler, geodude or rhydon.
>EarsYour standard must be the "jigglypuff ear". A triangle-shaped ear with its insides painted black or a dark brown. On the other side of the spectrum you have the "swirl ear", which is just a spiral fluff. Slowpoke, lapras, etc. have these. Try experimenting with variations of the jigglypuff ear, they usually look good.
>Snouts, tongues and nosesIf your mon has a snout, as long as it has 2 small dots for the nostrils and visible fangs, you're doing it right. Sometimes you might want to draw a pink sticky tongue; just make sure your mon is supposed to look derp-ish, and if that's the case, the tongue will look great on it. If your mon doesn't have a snout, stick a big, round pink nose to it!