Decidueye wasn't very important for me til everyone in my university bullyied me.
I cried every fucking hour, i had no friends i was just fucking alone..just crying.
I was so hopeless, just tired of everything.
Until my mom gifted me with my Decidueye Plush.
It wasn't very important to me at first, but this plush was the one to give me strenght to keep living...
When they insulted me, i just cried..but i knew i had a friend Decidueye,even if i wasn't alive, he was my true friend..i cared for him.
One day i was in the university bath and someone grabbed my Decidueye Plsuh and burned it alive in front of me...seeing my best friend burned make me feel sad, cry and anger.
I tried to punch them, but they knocked me off and laughed at me.
I ended up in the hospital with wounds, but that wasnt the worst, i've lost my best friend.