[7 / 1 / ?]
Quoted By: >>33069572 >>33069597 >>33069671
>Kangaskhan prevo that evolves into Kangaskhan when left at the daycare to breed(first egg laid triggers the evolution, you do not get the first egg to hatch because it's part of the newly evolved Kangaskhan)
>Nidoking & Nidoqueen can breed, offspring is a random gendered Nidoran.
>Milktank & Tauros prevo, Milktank & Tauros can now breed, egg is a random gendered prevo.
>Starter trio typing that's not Grass-Fire-Water
>Nidoking & Nidoqueen can breed, offspring is a random gendered Nidoran.
>Milktank & Tauros prevo, Milktank & Tauros can now breed, egg is a random gendered prevo.
>Starter trio typing that's not Grass-Fire-Water