>>33085600We believe in one goal, the Saadfather Almighty, creator of possession and production, and of all tangibles seen and unseen. And in one Forward, Panik Christ, the only-begotten Son of Q, begotten of the Saadfather, Lamplight from Lamplight, true Goals from own Goals, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Saadfather; by whom all production is made, who for us and for all bandwagon fans salvation came down from Rockford and was born of the Virgin Konroyd and made Manchild.
He was crucified under Carcillo Pilate, suffered, benched and was buried on the depth chart, and the third game he rose again, according to the Scoreboard, and ascended into the first line, and sitteth on the right hand of the Toews and the left hand of the Hossa, from thence he shall come again in glory, to score against the Preds and Leafs, whose cup drought will see no end.
I believe in the Foley-Olcyzk, the Toews, the giver of Goals who proceeds from the Saadfather and the Hossa, who with the Saadfather and the Hossa is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prospects.
We believe in one Foley-Olcyzk Alcoholic Church and for the forgiveness of commentary sins, and in the resurrection of the Corsi statistic and the playoff series to come.