>>33086630Alright, you're just throwing "faggot" and "autism" out there because I put your panties in a twist, I get that.
Well, most Pokemon names are puns as a matter of fact, and those names are not called out for being dumb, because they aren't. Those are actually clever names, and Gen 1 had some of those names.
Names like Ekans and Arbok are not clever, and are called out on their shit, because they're literally Snake and K(c)obra backwards. Names like Krabby are because it's just the word Crabby with a K and lmao le funny it's attributed to a crab pokemon. Names like Seel are because that's just fucking dumb. Names like Muk are because they;re Muck with one less letter.
Anon, I am so sorry. Really. I apologize for calling out shitty names, and for not being a simple dumbass and instead refusing to be wooed by names which are just misspellings of words, and for refusing to be so desperate to find quality in something that lacks it, to the point where if I did, I would end up seriously trying to make KOFFING AND FUCKING WEEZING sound like they are Shakespeare-tier wordplay. Sorry for not being like you anon.