Quick rundown for those just joining
>people pay thousands of dollars to go to event and are still stuck outside halfway through
>Hanke gets booed and heckled onstage and goes full spaghetti
>cringy hosts
>no wifi, cell service sucks and people can't log in
>stream is blank screen with constant screaming and booing
>Niantic turns up music to drown it out
>stream has audio issues ("testing", windows 10 sounds)
>clip of youtuber plays but has shit audio and he gets cut off part way through
>Crowd Chant's WE CAN'T PLAY, FIX THE GAME at next onstage event
>Clip of team valor tranny reading fake story about playing pokemon go when it first came out
>Niantic exec comes on stage and gets booed, tells everyone everything is cool cuz heracross and unknown are spawning all day
>It's 95 degrees F, someone is probably going to die of heat stroke
>People are pissed and will probably attack employees or each other soon
>we're nowhere near making the goal for legendaries