>have to hope the universe is conceived
>have to hope humanity survives its existence until I'm born
>have to hope my parents don't fuck up so I can mature and eventually become an proper adult
>have to hope during all of this humanity doesn't end its existence
>have to try and land a reasonable job with enough pay to get me by
>have to pay for my house so my electricity has somewhere to power my soon-to-be internet
>have to pay for electricity to power my soon-to-be internet
>have to pay for my internet
>have to pay for food, water, AC and other essentials so I can continue living to use my internet
>have to pay for a Router or extra Ethernet Cable in order to use the internet I'm already paying for on my game systems
>have to buy a 3DS and a copy of Sun or Moon
>have to buy USUM in order to keep playing with the rest of the community in a few months because there will be content that won't be patched into SM
>have to pay for PokeBank in order to use the internet I'm already paying for in order to transfer Pokemon to Gen 8
>alternatively have to pay for the resources needed to hack my 3DS successfully and be able to inject, use PKSM and all those other goodies
>will have to buy a Switch in order to continue playing Pokemon
>will have to buy the next version of Pokemon Switch only to find out it'll be outdated in a year so I have to buy that version too
>will have to pay for Switch's Online Subscription when Gen 8 comes in order to use the internet I'm already paying for
>will have to buy other Switch Games for when I inevitably complete USUM and no longer have a reason to play it in order to validate my Switch Purchase
>will have to quit my job in order to get my money's worth out of my Paid Subscription by spending every waking moment playing ARMS, Splatoon 2, Pokemon Switch and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe online for as long as possible
>will eventually go broke due to no more income, can't play Pokemon now because I need two full-time jobs to restore my position in life