>>33118224How? Cosmoem is a mid-stage pokemon, not a final stage, it's akin to psuedo-legendaries
Just compare Breloom to the other pokemon that you catch around the same time and evolve at around the same level. Mightyena, Zebstrika, Fearow. Oh look, they're all shit
But maybe that's not similar enough, so let's limit it further, to only pokemon that evolve around that level, only evolve once, have a BST between 450 and 500 and can't be caught in the wild in their evolved form (most of the time). Donphan, Lycanroc, Vespiquen, Granbull...
These are all Pokemon who should be around the same in terms of general power, now, don't get me wrong, there's some powerhouses mixed in there, things like Araquanid and Azumarill, but that just further proves how poor the general balance is